about me

Self-portrait drawn with graphite pencil on paper.

My name is Joriet van Eck and I like to play with pencils, watercolour and ink. I make what I’m drawn to at that moment. I don’t stick to one medium or one style. So my portfolio contains illustrations, graphite pencil drawings and watercolour paintings. Both (sur)realistic and abstract. 

Graphite pencil is my preferred medium to draw with. The Beastly Human series is ongoing and I still come up with animal characters to draw. I also like to combine different drawing media. Like graphite pencils and watercolour. Graphite pencil is very pleasing to draw with. But let’s be honest: those drawings are just… well, grey. So I like to add colour to these drawings every now and then.

I’m a nature lover. My other big passion is garderining. I live in the city, but we do have a small garden. So of course I get inspired by the plants and flowers I find there. I like to keep things as natural and local as possible. So you can bump into me while I’m scavenger hunting for plants and seeds that grow in the neighbourhood. 

I love to experiment and try stuff. Sometimes I see something and think “Oh, that would look great in watercolour!”. Or I’ve bought new pencils which scream to be used. Of course I oblige in that case.

I’m always up for something new. So if you have an idea, please feel free to contact me on info@joriet.nl.